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Straight guy with bi-lesbian confused

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Straight guy with bi-lesbian confused

Ummm ok...first of all thanks if you have a min to help me out.

situation...I'm a straight guy, met a lovely girl who I get on with really well, hooked up slept with etc. I find out within the first week of dating that she last was in a relationship with a girl for about 2 yrs.
Firstly it doesn't bother me at all as it wouldnt for most guys right. I never really went into it expecting or seeking extra benefits as Im sure most guys would. Over the course of a couple of months she invites me to go on holiday with her and spend a lot of time getting to know her, so I'm kinda led to believe shes interested in dating or whatever you like to call it. Given the time we've spent together, now I kinda have fallen for her....hmmm...
Anyhow now a few months into seeing her, she has backed off all a sudden as she needs time to think about if she wants to be in a relationship with a guy, or seek one with a girl again. Hmmm confusing much...?
I guess I thought she was just bi, but does this mean she is actually deciding to be lesbian or not...I dunno..either way its very confusing and thinking maybe I should just let her be for a while. Her comments were...."I miss girls when I see two of them holding hands, or the sisterly kinda connection etc". Clearly I can't compete with that, just confused as to why her feelings towards missing girls means that I'm having to step aside. To me it's more of a lesbian type decision than a bi-sexual type decision....Can some others perhaps agree or comment?
Appreciate anybody's thoughts.

thanks heaps :)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`Oh sorry to hear that I'm hoping that you have resolved things one way or another now. I think any girl who misses the emotional aspect of a woman is probably a lesbian unless of course she wants the whole open relationship thing. I do consider the holding hands of someone quite a close and intimate thing to do but hey everyone's different. I find bisexuality in itself quite confusing and complicated at the same time as there are different levels of it.

I for example am purely se---lly attracted to other women and although I could not pursue any long term relationship with another woman would be happy to be a friend to them.

I really do wish you the best but if she can't be without a woman emotionally then she most she most definately doesn't need a man in her life and I would think that although moving on is hard that it is probably the best thing to do.

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`My best friend is bi, she let me know many a year ago.
now a few year's later we're Married. We've had some ruff spots along the way because of it. We spent a long time as friends ---- --------. As most women she's met are just interested in her, can be a minor burn, but take the good with bad. About every two months or so she just wants a women. I've done my best to facilitate but a lot of the time its more of a stay out the way thing, took some getting used too. I can see it in her when she really just wants a women's touch, which hurts. But not for the reasons most would think, She's my best friend and I just want her HAPPY. Weve had one full time girlfriend and it was,,, Sweet. She's had a few f-----'- with b-------, but it's usually she doesn't wanna leave me out and that is pretty much the end of the arrangement. Which of course upsets her because she love's us both. If there's a chance of it working, educate.
a few sites to help.

Hope it helps good luck, be honest as it's always best in the long RUN.

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